Purify your programs with capability objects
Rationality, readability and reusability in JavaScript.
Peter Saxton - Functional Programming JavaScript Design
Why I won't leave Ruby for Elixir
My take on Functional Programming vs Object Oriented Programming.
Peter Saxton - Functional Programming Object Oriented Programming Immutability
Three JavaScript frameworks for 2016
Cutting edge ideas from emerging JavaScript frameworks.
Peter Saxton - JavaScript Design
Dreamcoding my ideal language.
Contriving four language features by wishful thinking.
Peter Saxton - Functional Programming Immutability Design
Organising client JavaScript with Rollup.js
Project setup with ES6 module bundles and testing using Jasmine.js and Karma.js
Handling Errors in Elixir, No one say Monad.
Advice for handling errors in Elixir pipelines.
Peter Saxton - Elixir Functional Programming Monad
Domain Driven Design, Where the real value lies.
Seeing the tactics and the strategy in Domain Driven Design
Peter Saxton - Ruby Domain Driven Design
Introducing Interactors to represent getting stuff done.
The line in the sand between domain code and the framework
Peter Saxton - Ruby Domain Driven Design
Untangle your Domain Model from the Database
Utilising the Repository Pattern for data persistence in Ruby
Peter Saxton - Ruby Domain Driven Design
Tackling God objects in Ruby applications
Breaking apart the model with entities and records
Peter Saxton - Ruby Domain Driven Design
Application border control with form objects
Using form objects to preserve your domain language against invalid input.
Peter Saxton - Ruby Domain Driven Design
Building on Solid foundations
Moving mindset from language to domain with value objects.
Peter Saxton - Ruby Domain Driven Design
Discovering the joy of over design
Introducing Domain Driven Design with Ruby.
Peter Saxton - Ruby Domain Driven Design
Cove House Mevagissey
Improving performance for a static webpage using page speed insights
Peter Saxton - portfolio performance web
Ruby require and broad modules
Does Ruby's require encourage overreach in modules
Useful Music
Report on Collaborative working, technologies and practices
Introducing the new blog
Building on a blank canvas, my new blog without bootstrap.
Peter Saxton - css
Further Ramblings
How to learn about the web in small steps
Internet World Wide Web JavaScript
Philosophical Question of consciousness
How can we tell if a machine is intelligent? Perhaps when it needs sleep.
Peter Saxton - Turing Test AI
Explaining Webpages
Rambling in cyber space
JavaScript build tool.
Webcomponents, Functional Reactive Programming, and Microservices
The most exciting areas for modern development on the web
Peter Saxton - Web components FRP Microservices JavaScript
A Selection of Interesting links
Introduction to Yeoman
Scaffolding tool for web apps
Peter Saxton - JavaScript yeoman automation
Publish Subscribe pattern in JavaScript
Implementing a simple pub-sub object in JavaScript
Peter Saxton - JavaScript Functional Programming
JavaScript testing with Karma and Jasmine
Setting up browser tests for JavaScript client applications
Peter Saxton - JavaScript node Test Driven Development
Function currying and function composition
Introducing two fundamental concepts from functional programming in JavaScript.
Peter Saxton - JavaScript Functional Programming
Quick intro to Bower
Packet management for the web with bower.
Peter Saxton - Bower JavaScript
Microservices at Skills Matter
Russ Miles talks about microservices.
Peter Saxton - Microservices
Starting with Node.js and Npm
Reflecting on my journey and what I did next
Peter Saxton - Node JavaScript
Makers Academy: weeks 13 plus
Reflecting on my journey and what I did next
Peter Saxton - Makers Academy Ruby JavaScript
Zero to Heroku with Flask
Experimenting with microservices in my last week at Makers Academy
Peter Saxton - linux heroku python
Makers Academy: The final countdown
Experimenting with microservices in my last week at Makers Academy
Peter Saxton - ruby ruby on rails microservices
Mocking API calls with Webmock
Automating mock http responses with Webmock
Peter Saxton - RSpec TDD Rails Ruby
Makers Academy: Penultimate Week
Starting our final group project.
Fred George talk and Microservice excitement
My introduction to the microservice architecture
microservices programming object oriented programming
Makers Acadamy: Wandering in the wild
Taking a moment to discover how much more there is to learn
Peter Saxton - clojure haml Makers Academy
A second week with Ruby on Rails
Exploring convention over configuration in Rails
Peter Saxton - Ruby Ruby on Rails Makers Academy
Makers Academy: Unleash Ruby on Rails
Getting introduced to the main ruby web framework
Peter Saxton - ruby ruby on rails Makers Academy
Opening Clojure
Impression from my first day with clojure
Peter Saxton - Clojure functional programming
The trouble with Postgres and Rails
Setting up PostgreSQL on Linux Mint
Peter Saxton - postgresql linux database
Hurrah for Apple
Renewable energy use at Apple
Peter Saxton - climate change technology
Tooling up my text editor
Getting professional about the tools of the trade.
Peter Saxton - Workflow Makers Academy Sublime Text
Maker Academy: JavaScript a new love-hate relationship
Our introduction to JavaScript at Makers Academy
Peter Saxton - JavaScript Makers Academy
Makers Academy: Weeks 5 & 6
Introducing the web with Sinatra and data storage with postgres
Peter Saxton - Makers Academy Sinatra Ruby
Converting to linux
Setting up Linux Mint as my main working environment
Peter Saxton - Linux
Makers Academy: Games Week
Using Test Driven Development to build Battleships and a Sudoku solver
Cooperative development
Three projects exploring the power of collaborative creation
Peter Saxton - pair programming open source crowdfunding
Phonegap London: second meetup
Learning about ionic and phonegap at the London meetup
Peter Saxton - phonegap JavaScript
Makers Academy: Whatta lotta objects
Getting introduced to Object Oriented Programming(OOP) with Ruby
Peter Saxton - MakersAcademy TDD OOP
Filling in my tax return
Registering as self employed in the UK on my way to becoming a freelancer
Peter Saxton - business money freelance
Makers Academy: Spooky interaction
Creating better code with tests and pair programming
Peter Saxton - MakersAcademy ruby TDD
Makers Academy: Journey Beginning
My first week at Makers Academy developer bootcamp
Peter Saxton - MakersAcademy ruby git
Minimum Viable Product vs Accessability
An overview on getting setup as self employed, it's not that bad
Peter Saxton - web MVP accessability
Walk through registering as self employed (UK)
An overview on getting setup as self employed, it's not that bad
Peter Saxton - employment
London Layout Kickstarter
Lessons from crowdfunding campaigns
Peter Saxton - portfolio crowdfunding mapping
Is the future closer than I thought?
Exciting developments from SpaceX and Boston Dynamics
Peter Saxton - technology
Starting a Routine
Commitment to write about our exciting world
Peter Saxton - crowdfunding technology
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